Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Assembly language program to read an array of numbers and find the minimal and maximal elements

;Asm program to compare an array to find minimal and maximum number
;maximal no. is stored in ah and minimal in al at the end of program
org 100h
; add your code here
Lea bx, ar          ;load address of array
mov cx, 1           ;start counter
mov al, [bx]        ;load first no. in al
mov ah, [bx]        ;load first no. in ah too

cmp cx, 6           ;check counter for end of array
je endit            ;if yes then goto endit label
inc cx              ;increase counter by 1
inc bx              ;increase pointer move to next no. in array
mov dl, [bx]        ;load next no. in dl

cmp al, dl          ;compare previous and next no. in al and dl
jl skip1            ;if al < dl then goto skip1 label
mov al, dl          ;else load value of dl into al
jmp repeat          ;continue to next no.

cmp ah, dl          ;compare ah and dl
jg repeat           ;if ah > dl then continue to next no.
mov ah, dl          ;else load value of dl into ah
jmp repeat          ;continue to next no.


ar db 15,4,25,64,9,12  ;array

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